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Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth/Kinesiologist Perth

Providing an holistic solution to improving your health.

What Kinesiology Perth can do for you:

Kinesiology is an holistic therapy that combines Eastern knowledge of the human energy field with Western knowledge of neuroscience and chiropractic techniques. 


Kinesiology bridges the gap between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Using a technique called Muscle Monitoring, kinesiology can discover the stressors or causative factors behind the set of symptoms a person presents with. Kinesiology can be quite specific and can quickly determine a line of investigation, followed by a best strategy to reinstate balance to the body’s ‘subtle energy’ system. 


Because kinesiology is an ‘energy’ therapy, there is no limit to its applications and what it can do for you. It can bring about a positive outcome to almost any issue.


You don't have to be sick to benefit from kinesiology. Kinesiology is an excellent method for improving performance in any area of life,  whether it be sport, business or lifestyle.


If you have a long standing unresolved issue, then you should try kinesiology. It may well provide the missing link to regaining your health.


I have an online 24/7 booking system for your convenience. 

Renew your vitality and zest for life by booking in now.


Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth /Kinesiologist  Perth 

Registered Specialized Kinesiologist


View the Slide Show below to learn more about Kinesiology:


Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth 

29 Foundry Court

North Fremantle 6159

Western Australia

Ph: 0411 111 893



Available Treatments @ Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth; Kinesiologist Perth
  • Hormonal Kinesiology

  • Musculoskeletal Kinesiology

  • Nutritional & Biochemical

  • Digestive Kinesiology

  • Neurological Kinesiology

  • Cardiovascular Kinesiology

  • Respiratory Kinesiology

  • Emotional Kinesiology

  • Spiritual Kinesiology

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